Gratitude Archive

God, I’m Giving All This to You!

It has been quite a while since I have written a blog post. So much is happening in my ministry, such as feeding insecure senior citizens food, bridging gaps for communities in crisis, and trying to care for myself.

Each April I participate in an Evening of Emowerment. This is an event that victims of violent crime are invited to attend for an opportunity to meet with counselors and legal aid and be pampered. This event offers beautiful meals, new clothing, groceries, massages, and yoga. My purpose at the event is to pray over victims and their families to inspire HOPE and let them know they are not alone.

Every year, I struggle to hear heartbreaking stories and want to fix everyone’s problems through prayer. Over the last five years, praying for 100s of people has caused me to be a bit fearful. Each year becomes more challenging and complex, yet God draws me back every year to serve these families in His name.

I made a “Give It to God” jar this year. This jar would allow women to give what they are struggling with to God and release it from their control. They could write what they wanted to release on a card, fold it, and put it in the jar. I asked them as they placed the card in the jar to ask God to take their struggle from them.

I always wait a few days before I open the card. I want to sit in a quiet, reflective space to read each card. This year, as expected, the cards were more challenging to read. I am not posting the exact prayer request, but a watered-down version. If you are a prayer warrior, please consider praying over a few of these women.

I pray to meet a wonderful, faithful man who will be a father to my son.

I pray to be free of an abusive home life.

Please pray I can be better.

Pray for my disabled body.

I pray that God will forgive me for the life I have led.

I am pregnant and in a domestic violence shelter. Pray my baby is born without complications and we receive a home.

Pray my children come back to God.

Join me in prayer.

Father, Our Gracious God, place your healing hands on these 34 women who feel less than they are or struggling to let go of their struggles. May they begin to trust You and feel Your peace and love for them. May they know that Jesus died on the cross for each of them. I pray that Your peace lands in their hearts and minds as they accept Jesus and Your unconditional love for each of them. Father, make Your presence known to them this very day. I love and trust you, Father, and in Jesus’ holy and precious name, with the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray for these women and children. Amen.

My love and gratitude for you, LoLo.

Walking Through Grief From Fentanyl Poisoning

Death is all around us. When I speak of death, I am not only talking of physical death and loss of loved ones but also of death in society. The Bible presents death as separation: physical death is the separation of the soul from the body, and spiritual death is the separation of the soul from God.

This past weekend, I spoke to a group of families (mainly moms) who have lost their children to fentanyl poisoning and are in extreme grief. They were confused by unanswered questions, dazed by the sudden loss, and present with broken hearts. There were tears, there were fears, and there was emptiness.

I walked into the room and was concerned about relating to the group since I hadn’t had any dealings with fentanyl poisoning. I didn’t know any information about this drug except that it was an aggressive killer and random as to who it would kill. In 2022, there were 4,925 unintentional drug overdoses in Texas. Greater than 44% of those deaths were fentanyl deaths; 2,192 beautiful people became angels and are no longer with us. In 2020, there were 891 fentanyl poisonings in Texas; in 2021, 1648, and 2,192 in 2022. This is a rapid increase in a very short time. The numbers are still being compiled for 2023. The graph below is provided by:

Until this meeting, I didn’t really know what fentanyl was. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. Just two milligrams of fentanyl, which is equal to 10-15 grains of table salt, is considered a lethal dose (see picture below). The two moms facilitating this class explain that fentanyl is very cheap. A single dose of fentanyl is considered to be 100 mcg-400 mcg and can cost about $2 or less. The cost of heroin is around $20 per dose. One of the major problems with fentanyl sold on the street is that there is no way to know how much fentanyl something actually contains, and it is one of the easiest opioids to overdose on.

It is sadly not uncommon now to find heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, or MDMA (ecstasy, molly, or mandy) laced with fentanyl on the street. Due to its high potency and low cost per dose, street dealers have found it to be a useful filler or substitute when selling other, more expensive street drugs. (

The group I was speaking to was NTX Angel Moms. I met one of the moms last fall at an event I was attending with Grateful Gratitude. I was visiting with the community offering prayers and gratitude hearts. A lady named Jeri approached my table and was so sad. She told me she had lost her daughter and she missed her so much. She didn’t tell me how the loss occured and I didn’t ask seeing her hurt. I asked her to choose a heart to take with her and to remember that I cared for her and would be praying for her peace.

Two weeks ago, Jeri sent me an email and said she was launching a new support group and asked if I would come speak on the importance of journaling and share gratitude hearts with the family members. She then told me she lost her daughter, Jessie to fyntanyl poisoning. Even though I was not sure I could be of help on the subject of fentanyl poisoning, I hoped God would make me a help through the grief support I offer.

The meeting started with family members talking about their family member and how they found out about the loss. I didn’t cry tears on the outside but I felt my heart breaking as they spoke. Some had few words to share, some a lot, all the words clung to my soul. Here were beautiful people living life, yes some with struggles but none with intentions of dying. I saw the faces of the lost loved ones, again, beautiful faces full of life. Please don’t be a person that says I don’t need to know about this because it doesn’t partain to me. It does. We just lost a outstanding teen in a neighboring community to this viscious drug.

I want to show you some pictures from the gathering. Pictures of two moms fighting to save other family members with fentanyl poisoning awareness. Pictures of a few faces lost, now angels and never forgotten. Please reach out to NTX Angel Moms or Because Cullen to have them speak at your PTA meetings, church gatherings, parents groups, or meet with them alone to become educated on how to slow and stop this loss. More information may be found at: and at Because Cullen:

May God bless you and your families and I pray you learn more about saving lives.                      

               Love & Gratitude, LoLo.

The Two Books I Live By

When I was young, I read for pleasure. There were no handheld video games or computers with unlimited information. I read to live through books. I loved Judy Blume’s books. I think I lived out my adventures and dreams through books; the more descriptive, the better.

Of course, these days, few people read. My book collection is long gone, and most books on my nightstand get started and then sit in a pile. I intend to finish them, but then life gets in the way. My book collection now sits on my Kindle. An electronic collection of books that I can visually see how much I have read and how much remains. The premise is the same whether they sit in a pile next to my nightstand or on my iPad. Two books don’t receive this treatment. The Bible authored by God, and How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger. I hold these books in my hands, turn the pages, and savor the words on each page.

These books have become very important to me for various reasons. Let’s first look at the Bible.

Rick Warren once said, “The Bible is your owner’s manual. It has all the answers you need, whether it is temptation, money, love, cheating, your career, relational issues, basically anything you deal with in life is answered there!” He said that most complicated things in life need a manual to understand how it works. For example, a car needs a manual to understand how everything works on a car. The signals, the maintenance needed, the type of gas, the air pressure for the tires, and so on.

Just like the car, we need a manual to understand how we are to live. God guides us on how to have a faithful marriage, treat others, be obedient to Him, do business fairly, care for our bodies, and so on. God has covered everything! When I struggled with alcohol addiction, God had the answer.

Envy, drunkenness, orgies (parties), and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
     Galatians 5:21

When I struggled with anxiety, God had the answers.

“I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4

say to those with fearful hearts,
    “Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
    he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
    he will come to save you.” Isaiah 35:4

When I overspent, God had the answer.

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3

When I was overweight and acted in a glutinous way, God had the answer.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

This last Bible verse led me to the other book I heavily lean on. Dr. Greger’s book is based on published medical and scientific studies proving that the food God gives us allows us to flourish for His glory. Not processed fast food that makes up the Standard American Diet that is referred to as the SAD diet. God says my body is a temple for Him to dwell within. Why have I been filling my temple with foods that aren’t nourishing or made by God’s hands? Why did I choose convenience over nutrition?

Ash Wednesday, 2023, I prayed for 40 people for 40 days. My prayer list included 23 people with chronic intense medical diseases (pancreatitis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease) as well as 13 people with mental health issues (anxiety and depression). This didn’t leave many spots for the prayer requests to pray for others wanting to become pregnant, find a new career, build relationships, or draw closer to God. This led me to research why this prayer list was heavily tilted toward health prayers. I quickly learned that lifestyle and food changes can prevent most of these conditions. Simply eat food the way God intended and as closely to how He made it. Whole food, nutrient-dense foods, and plant-based. You may say God created cows, pigs, and chickens to eat, but I ask you, what do these animals eat? Plants, we are eating the middle man when they are nourishing themselves on plants, not meat.

My husband says that when I believe in something, I become exuberant and forget that not everyone wants to accept Jesus or become plant-based. I remind him of John 4:17,

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

I feel that if I have knowledge of a better life, whether in knowing Jesus or eating a healthy diet to reduce illness and not share it, I am committing a sin. Jesus teaches us to plant seeds so that lives will blossom.

Healthy plants (beans, seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains) are filled with protein, amino acids, and nutrients with ZERO cholesterol. More information can be found at:

God even tells us He will provide all the food we need. 

Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; Genesis 1:29

I wanted to include the table of contents from Dr. Greger’s book to show you how not to die from 15 different conditions by eating a whole food plant-based diet. If you take medication for any of these conditions, consider learning more about how this type of eating may save your life, reduce your medicines, and possibly allow you to live longer.

Many people take the approach of, I will do the best I can here on earth and face God when it’s time, or if I get sick, I’ll just take a pill to fix my illness. You are absolutely entitled to make those decisions. I ask that you find a better and healthier life in my two favorite books.

May God bless you this very day, and thank you for reading my blog. LoLo

Mary, Did You Know?

So, it has been quite a while since I have posted a blog. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason is my friend and podcast producer passed away unexpectedly on October 1st. Mark Friedman believed in Grateful Gratitude before I knew what Grateful Gratitude would be.

I am floundering to figure out how to continue my podcast since Mark was usually present to banter with me when I recorded. I would always walk into his studio, and he’d always have something he “needed” counseling on (his words, not mine). He wanted my opinion on someone he “liked” (as if we were in high school). It could have been that he wanted to challenge me on my knowledge of the Bible or even talk sports, although I knew nothing about sports. He made every session comfortable and thought-provoking.

As I contemplate this Christmas without podcasts with Mark, my thoughts turn to a beautiful Christmas song, “Mary, Did You Know” by Mark Lowry. The lyrics ring more repeatedly this year than any other year. I wake up with the lyrics swirling in my head at 3 am. Why is this, and how does it relate to Mark “Friedo” Friedman?

It dawned on me that Mark would always say to me, “Hey, did you know…..”? Every session in the studio or any time I ran into him, he would always ask me that question, followed by a random question. I imagine all his friends heard this often, too.

Now that Mark is gone, I reflect on some of those questions. Mark asked me a few profound questions. One was, “Hey, did you know that I think I had a near-death experience when I was in my coma?” Of course, I did not know this at the time. He proceeded to tell me cryptic bits of what he recalled when he lay in a coma that he thought he may have been dying. I studied heaven when my dad was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. I taught a class on heaven and passing away Mark had attended after he was released from the hospital. I think he felt I might be able to help him understand his experience. This opened the door to more conversations about passing away and going to heaven. May I just say that Mark was not afraid to die and knew the promise of heaven?

Three days before Mark passed away, I went to his studio to record, and as soon as I hit the door, he said, “Hey, did you know I am having more of those experiences we talked about? Do you have time to hang around and talk about them?” Unfortunately, we got off-topic and never had that conversation. Later that afternoon, I remembered I hadn’t discussed the experiences he mentioned. Like many, I stowed it away to talk to Mark about the next time I saw him.

Sunday evening, just three days later, I received the text that Mark had passed away. I was stunned at first and thought the same thought most people had, “I just saw him!” This caused my mind to race and relive the session we just had. He looked great, better than he had all year. He usually was jaundiced, but his eyes were clear and bright white that day. I said to him, “You look great. Better than I can remember.” He laughed and said, “You wouldn’t think that if you saw my blood panels.”

Laying in bed that Sunday night, I dozed off but awoke suddenly around 3 am. A conversation with Mark last spring hit me like a ton of bricks. I arrived early for a lunch meeting, and Mark and my friend Justin were at the restaurant talking. The restaurant was quiet and empty. I hadn’t seen Mark in several weeks. I asked him how he was, and he flippantly said, “Hey, did you know I was in the hospital recently?” “No, how would I know that?” I responded.

Mark looked me in the eyes and said, “Yeah, I was, and the doctors say I have six months to live.” Mark was always kidding, so I responded, “Oh, shut up. That’s not true.”

Mark brushed it off and changed the subject. Mark is such a private person; I would have never expected him to share something like that. Back to “Mary, Did You Know,” why is it haunting me this holiday? It wasn’t mainly the Christmas song, but the words, “Did You know”?

That phrase, “did you know,” brings me back to Mark. It brings me back to that last session when he rallied and looked healthy.

I feel that Mark knew my faith and that hearing the three little words, “Did you know?” would remind me how special he was. How he believed in me when I didn’t believe in me. This is our last podcast together. Mark, I did not know this would be our last podcast, but I greatly thank you for being there on this day.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and please look up for one minute to say hi to Mark and know he is with Jesus.

Why Thrive in Chaos When You Can Live in Love

Our senior pastor, Jeff Jones, and a branding expert, Mike Hogan, recently wrote and published the most simple and beautiful book, Rebranding Christianity.

Amazon description:


Christianity is known for a lot of things these days. Labeled as intolerant or hateful, the true heart of the Christian faith has been buried underneath an onslaught of bad attention and bad press. We’ve failed our brand.

In John 13, Jesus gave us the brand―radical love. Christians are known for many things today, but love is not one of them. In Rebranding Christianity, Pastor Jeff Jones and professional marketer Mike Hogan combine their experience to provide a fresh new perspective on the Christian faith, how it has strayed from its true intention, and how to reclaim it. Interwoven with case studies of the most trusted and hated brands, Jones and Hogan break down how brands lose the trust of their audience and, once lost, how that trust can be regained.

It’s time for Christianity to return to its true intention. It’s time for a rebrand.

Several years ago, as I was growing my ministry, Grateful Gratitude, I sat in church and listened to Jeff speak of a new mission our church would lead called “DO GOOD,” and reminding others that Christianity is about love. We would be starting from scratch to rebuild the view of Christianity. We would simply love without judgment. We will be humble and gentle. You can click the link below and watch that sermon.

I walked out of church that morning changed. I knew my ministry had to be based on this. I would serve our community in need without thinking. What I mean by this is I would listen to God’s urging and opportunities without hesitation. Little did I know the world would be uprooted and a pandemic would hit the United States a few weeks later. This sermon was stored in the back of my mind as I faced this new unknown. I faced lockdown, limited supplies needed for daily living, daily broadcasts of the rising numbers of deaths, and new cases of Covid 19. It seemed to me Satan was stirring up his earthy chaos as fear, hatred, and division grew exponentially.

It took me several weeks of staring at screens for updates and praying for cases to drop instead of increasing. Weeks of buying masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper when I could find them in grocery stores. I am constantly praying my family will be safe from this insipid virus.

Then it hit me. I was recently tasked with a beautiful sermon to love another, be humble, and proclaim Jesus gently. How in this strange thing called a pandemic was I going to serve God in isolation? I wasn’t; I was going to be bold and not afraid. I would take safe measures but not quit serving in a scary time.

The first act of boldness was to participate in an all-county food drive, sharing food with those called food insecure. This was a new concept for me as I always had food. Grateful Gratitude was asked to come to a local church where Minnie’s Food Pantry would give 100 pounds of food to needy families. This would be a drive-thru set up for cars to show proof of county residency, and they would be able to drive away with food. I was told there were 600 families signed up to receive food. I was asked to gift gratitude hearts to each car and share the message of HOPE. I immediately counted the number of hearts I had on hand, which was 1004.

I felt this commitment was too huge for just one person, and that person was me, but I knew a few good friends would grow their faith by participating with me. Those three friends met me at the church that Saturday at 6:45 a.m. We were unsure what this day would be like, yet we knew we had only 3 hours as cars lined up to be able to share hearts and HOPE with those waiting. We would have to be done when the line opened and began to move.

We quickly realized this would be a huge job as each car had many family members inside the cars, and I was planning on handing each person a gratitude heart and visiting with them. I felt God urge me to use my few words quickly and effectively. I changed my explanation of what the gratitude heart meant and how they were hand carved in Kenya to, “Hi, I’m LoLo with Grateful Gratitude. I’d like to gift you this heart for HOPE in this difficult time and to remind you God is with you. Turn to Him in your need.” This picture shows examples of the hearts I gifted that day.

My friends and I moved from car to car, sharing simple words of HOPE and praying with those who asked. I quickly realized this was a time that didn’t matter if you were driving a 2020 Mercedes or 1988 Toyota; at that moment, everyone was in need. I saw people overextended with no financial reserves waiting for food, some only receiving social security and teachers who couldn’t adapt to online teaching and quit their jobs, not to mention many people whom I couldn’t communicate with because of language barriers.

I knew confidently that God was working through me, handing hearts. I was offering something tangible for them to hold onto, something they would take home knowing I cared about them and that God is faithful. This was so powerful for my faith growth and reassured me no matter how difficult life becomes, I remember the message and mission that Jeff preached about. Move forward always humbly, gently, and loving like Jesus does. Be a Christian with your actions, and the chaos falls away. Satan doesn’t win; God does. I shared 964 hearts that day and only was able to get to half of the cars in line.

The sermon Jeff preached on Sunday, February 23, 2020, was purposefully delivered and heard. God is amazing at providing the words we need to do His work and providing a church that allows me to do what God has called me to do.

Please consider buying and reading this book. It is as impactful as The Purpose Driven Life, written by Rick Warren in 1997. Rick’s book is about finding your purpose, and Rebranding Christianity is about serving God best in your purpose through love.